GGC Consultancy & Advisory
What service is

Innovation awareness & culture development

Empower your organization's innovation potential with our specialized services in innovation awareness and culture development. We cultivate an environment that nurtures the spirit of innovation, igniting a spark of creative brilliance that permeates throughout your entire workplace.

Our skilled consultants orchestrate engaging experiences that engage your teams and awaken a collective passion for innovation. Together, we foster a culture that embraces experimentation, fuels collaboration, and propels your organization to the forefront of innovative thinking. Let us be your catalyst in cultivating an innovation-aware culture that drives remarkable outcomes.

The World We Create

Sub Services

Innovation maturity assessment (Gini model)

Innovation awards qualification

Innovation roadmap development

Customer experience maturity assessment

Customer experience roadmap development

Customer experience awareness & culture

  • Corporate
  • Government

Free service for
corporate client

Bring out your corporate potential with our complimentary service.

Embrace growth opportunities to new heights with our free offering.

Free service for
government client

Empower your organization with our complimentary assistance.

Step into a realm of progress with our free service.

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