GGC Consultancy & Advisory

Appointment of the GGC CEO as the president of the Advisory firms Committee

Appointment of the GGC CEO as the president of the Advisory firms Committee

The CEO of GGC Consultancy, Ms. Al-Batoul Al-Hadibi, has been nominated and appointed as a president of the Consulting Firms Committee at the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

These appointments aim to develop and enhance the systems, regulations, and related services in the consulting sector and contribute to improving the quality of consulting services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in line with the vision of raising the quality of consulting services in the country.

The committee aims to foster the common interests of consulting firms, promote cooperation among them, prepare studies aimed at developing consulting services, propose appropriate amendments to relevant regulations and instructions, engage with relevant government entities in the field of consultation, and discuss related topics and issues.

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