GGC Consultancy & Advisory

GGC signs an MOU with LEORON Institute

GGC signs an MOU with LEORON Institute

GGC  has signed a A memorandum of understanding with the LEORON Institute, as part of its vision to expand its global alliance network and leverage international expertise to serve the aspirations of the nation and its clients.

This agreement aims to provide high-level development programs and consulting services in the Middle East and North Africa region, with the goal of enhancing professional capabilities and transferring knowledge in the field of local consultancy, benefiting from global practices and prestigious institutes.

The European Professional Development Institute is globally recognized as a leading institution in the training and corporate solutions for enhancing learning and development in all strategic organizational functions, including finance, human resources, procurement, supply chain management, technology, quality, operations, and engineering.

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This partnership represents one of the latest initiatives by GGC to strengthen collaboration with its partners and achieve fruitful strategic partnerships. It is also part of GGC's ongoing efforts to combine the best local and international qualifications and provide high-quality solutions based on international best practices to achieve a positive, well-thought-out, sustainable, and tangible impact for its clients.


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